Top Motivational Speech Types

Good motivational speaking is a highly accomplished art that takes years to master; and it requires a fair amount of talent in the first place. A motivational speaker aims to do three things with their audience – educate them, inspire them, and entertain them.

The elements of the speech which promote these goals also frequently overlap, and the best tactic is to offer all three, seamlessly blended into the speech.

Achieving entertainment, education, and inspiration is no easy task, but it can be realized with almost any topic. In fact, the topics covered by motivational speakers are diverse, and they depend very much on the audience listening to them.

This is perhaps the most important thing for a motivational speaker to consider when writing their speech. There are a limited number of events which typically hire motivational speakers, and speech topics should be tailored to them (but there is an almost infinite number of topics that can be covered). The important thing, of course, is that this matches the audience in attendance.


What Makes for a Good Motivational Speech?

What entertains, what educates, and what inspires can, naturally, be anything. There are other skills and tips for motivational speaking though that certainly do not vary at all. We can consider these the general guidelines for motivational speaking, and it is important that they are crossed off the list.

A motivational speech needs to hold the audience’s attention right to the end, which is one of the reasons motivational speakers often interact with the audience and involve them in some way.

Plurawl, a company producing a motivational podcast, say that the trick here is all about knowing who the audience are. For their show, the audience can be profiled as the type of people interested in the topics and who buy from their store. With some live audiences, however, motivational speakers often need to read the room in order to get the best response.

There is though one particularly important thing that is a feature of all good motivational speeches – a clear central message. The goal is for audience members to leave having committed to memory one central and easy to remember idea. It is around this the whole speech pivots.

Types of Motivational Speeches:


So, all the above needs to be accounted for in every motivational speech, but they do come in real variety as well. Here follows then some of the major Motivational Speech Types:

#1: Persuasive Speech

Most basically, this is a speech that tries to bring the audience round to the speaker’s point of view.

For this reason, they share some things in common withpolitical speeches or polemics. Too much flare and “entertainment” is not encouraged with this type of speech. It should still entertain, but sober logical arguments which support the speaker’s point of view are essential.

#2: Entertaining Speech

An entertainment speech is one that shares a lot in common with the humorous speeches given at weddings, or even a stand-up comic’s routine. Laughter is the main form this entertainment usually takes. What makes such a speech still motivational is that it will also incorporate that aforementioned strong central message.

#3: Inspirational Speech

“Inspirational” and “motivational” do not mean exactly the same thing. Motivation encourages the audience to do something, inspiration gives them the courage and the belief that they can do it. This type of speech is therefore often used for events where the audience wants to achieve something, but they do not know how.

Motivational speeches, in the end, are plenty diverse – but they all share common, and vitally important, elements. Read more posts live this here.

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